So really, how important is my biography at this point in time? Yes, things have happened in my life, but do they honestly necessitate me describing every last event in excruciating detail? I don't think so. So I won't. I will be succinct to the best of my ability. I will also not get too painfully personal and embarrass every single person I know family and friend alike.
I was born in Virginia. I made a couple of okay friends. Then around age nine or ten (I don't remember which) the family decided it'd be best if we all moved to Illinois. No biggie. Not really. Left my chums behind and didn't look back like any rational nine-ten-year-old kid would.
Where I Was...
Where I Went...
I have two older brothers and a mom and a dad. Obviously. I shan't describe much more than that for fear of getting sued or beaten up or slaughtered viciously for even mentioning them.
Once in Illinois, adjusted to a new school, made some more friends up through eighth grade. Still in contact with most of the major ones. After eighth grade moved to a neighboring town and went to a completely different high school. Made a metric shit ton more friends. Most definitely still in contact with the important ones.
Went through several lame and silly phases of being goth and/or punk and/or any other absurdly amusing getup youngsters adorn themselves in for the sake of getting attention. (Admittedly I still do this to some degree even today, but usually in my own brand of...odd combinations of clothing and accoutrements- hair dye, different colored shoelaces, and a constantly worn hooded jacket).
Around eighth/ninth grade figured out I was gay. No biggie. Tried to make into a huge deal ALL through high school. Didn't go down all that much. Most people in 90% liberal Evanston don't give a shit. Never had a dramatic coming out story. Never had a coming out story period. Wore my gayness on my sleeve. People asked. I answered. End of story.
You Decide...The Gayest Thing Ever? (Or At the Very Least The Awesomest)
Midway through high school fell head over heels in love with movies. All movies. Well most movies. There are always exceptions. No one loves everything. I certainly don't. Decided I wanted to make a career out of it.
After viewing the entirety of Battlestar Galactica (the re-imagined series) I determined I was a deist for whatever reason. Perhaps I'm more somewhere between a deist and a secular humanist. But in any case religion sometimes has some slight relevance in my life and in my analyses. What bearing this will have on my posts I don't know. I'm just putting it out there as a weak attempt of igniting interest in whoever reads this junk.
Speaking of god (always with a lower case g)...
School was okay. No big deal. I enjoyed it. I made friends. I had some neat classes. I forgot most everything I learned. I didn't do prom. It wasn't THE time of my life but it wasn't horrible. I always wonder what would've happened to me if I had been out sexuality-wise at a school other than where I was. What if I had been in some rural podunk town in the middle of Nowhere, America w/ one friend? Would I have done everything the same? Would I have been as flamingly queer as I am nowadays? Not that I'm THAT flaming. I'm moderately hot. A solid simmer I'd say. Would I have been lukewarm? Or freezing cold? I don't know. Would it have been like those adorable coming of age and coming out novels written for young adults that I still lamely read to this day for fun? Those books where everything's against the main guy, until he meets that one awesome dude? And they sort of fall for each other, but the other dude won't come out? And then the main guy falls for his best friend who was there the entire time only the main guy didn't realize the obvious? And it all ends happily-ish? That's not real life. Which is okay sometimes. Sometimes those teens need hope combined with realism instead of constant pessimism. I like that. Most of the time. If it's done right. And it's almost always not done right at all. Anyway. School. It happened. Whatever. Shrugs shoulder.
One of My Favorite Books (Just To Read and Not Take THAT Seriously)
PS- It's a coming out/coming of age novel, surprise surprise
Politics are kind of a thing for me. I'm usually either liberal or on the fence. Again, is that kind of thing going to figure into these posts? I don't know. Maybe. We'll see. I know at the very least I loathe people who are 100% in one corner or the other and argue endlessly about every issue and get on their soap-boxes instead of LISTENING. Debates and discussions require calm. Not shouting.
When Will People Listen?
I have a small group of friends. I tend to be rather anti-social. I don't hate people, I'm just extraordinarily shy. In many many ways this is to my advantage. I'm very observant. I watch people. In a non-creepy stalker kind of way. In a "I like to study human nature" kind of way. Next time you're on the train just watch and take note of those around you. What strikes you about them? What do you think they're thinking, where are they going, what do they want out of life? What little gestures do they make that might have some significance in regards to who they are? It's fun. And NOT CREEPY. In any way. In many many ways I also wish I were a social butterfly. But then again it must get exhausting having hundreds of so-called "friends" on Facebook. Are they really friends anyway? What meaning or bearing do hundreds of people have on your life? Or are they just random individuals you met one time and were vaguely interested in for about five seconds? Is that a friend? It has also been said that screenwriters (me) tend to be very introverted and hate talking with people (or at all). That's why the supreme irony is that it's required of us to pitch films to agents and producers. The world hates us/me.
Now I'm in college. Taking courses in screenwriting. I'm terrified of movie technology. I fear that camera may explode if I pick it up. I laugh when someone asks me if I know how to edit. My desires lie elsewhere. I like to imagine. And create. And pick the nits out of every fucking thing. I only JUST finished my first feature script. And it still needs revisions. As all art does. It's hard work. But oh so worth it. The best days ever are when people in your classes read the lines you've written and don't struggle with lame cliched dialogue but instead have fun with what you simply KNOW will go down in movie history as the next big THING. But it's not all fun and games and endless praise. Somewhere down the line someone inevitably challenges you or says it's shit. And it's tough. But that's why you fix it. And that's really why I'm doing this.
I don't wanna talk about my scripts or my story ideas, though I might mention them every so often. I want to do this blog to discuss the movies I've seen. The films I've enjoyed as mindless pop cultural entertainment. The cinema I've watched being created on the big screen for the first time. And the train-wreck travesties I've witnessed and shuddered at when they're referred to as "motion pictures" by the unenlightened and idiotic mass consumers sitting next to me in the theaters.
There will be the odd identification and discussion of my favorite TV shows and music and books. There will be diatribes on new films I've just watched and rants about the movies I saw years ago and labeled a "Favorite" or a "Great."And there will naturally be the complaints and rambles and bitches and moans about the stuff that's popular that I hate for whatever reason or the stuff that's loved by everyone that I simply loathe with every fiber of my being.
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